How I'm Doing So Far

Monday, May 23, 2011

bikini days (edited to include a comparison pic)

Well yesterday at the Atlantis waterpark with my nephews was so much fun! They had an incredible time and were so well behaved. We all did the innertube rapids multiple times and one of them turned out to be a bit of a daredevil so guess who had to go on the challenge slide with him! It was great.... only my bikini top buckle snapped on the way down so I ended up having to tie it off for the rest of the day.

The best part of the whole experience was that I spent the whole day, in front of all those people, in a bikini. No wrap. No cover up. Just me. in a bikini!

I don't have a full body shot, but here's one I snapped of myself.

Completely forgot I'd intended to include a comparison pic. So here goes.... one of me from last summer. Definitely not even imagining a bikini was in my near (or even distant) future!


Linda said...

You look fab!

Justawallflower said...

I LOVE the hat! and good for you! You definitely have the bod for a bikini! Glad everyone had a good time!

Nicole said...


Pemberley said...

AMAZING! Smokin'!

Lap Band Gal said...

Oops, my cat took the words out of my mouth LOL

Heather said...


Cat said...

Woo hoo!!! I love that your bikini top sorta matches the headband you had on in your comparison pic. Cannot wait to meet you in September!!

Read said...

You look simply amazing!!

DiZneDiVa said...

Wow! You look great! I especially love that you are wearing my favorite accessory in the now photo.... Your Smile!

Dawnya said... got it going on sexy lady!! I want to be like you when I grow up.

Jen said...

You are SO Gorgeous! You remind me (the photo yesterday too) of a 1920's pin up. Seriously!

Rhonda said...

Sexy mama! :)

Fluffy said...

So, I had to chuckle just a little thinking back to someone that said to me she wasn't sure she could do it. Man, it's awesome being RIGHT! You look fantastic! I knew you could do it! Yay you!

Sally Hamilton said...
