How I'm Doing So Far

Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm in NSV heaven

I figure I might as well document as many of these NSV's as possible so I have something to look back on when times get rough. Here are 3 more:

  1. Yesterday afternoon I called my usual walking buddy and asked if she felt like joining me for a walk. we both wanted/needed it so headed out on our usual route. A little while into it, I commented that the ocean seemed closer than usual. We were going at a much faster clip than usual. So we agreed to extend our walk and it was great. 8 1/2-9 weeks ago when I started this process I had to stop numerous times along the usual route to stretch out my aching calves. no stopping me now!
  2. The same friend was away on vacation for a week and last week we didn't actually see each other. She's one of the few friends I've told about the lapband and is super supportive. She asked how much I'd lost now (30 or so lbs) and commented that she can really see it
  3. Just ran into my contractor's wife in the grocery store as I was grabbing my baked chicken breast and salad for lunch. They are both long time family friends and she said her husband told her the other day when I was out on the construction site that he forgot to comment that something seemed different about me and she said 'and he's right. you're glowing'. What an absolutely lovely comment!
Ok - now off to a meeting for me


Christine said...

What wonderful compliments and NSVs for a Monday! I hope they make you smile and have a little pep in your step today!

And...congrats on 30 pounds lost so far!!


Anonymous said...

Super nice NSV's! Awesome weight loss too!

Linda said...

It's so nice when people notice the changes. Great job on your walking too.

Cindylew said...

That's great news...congrats.

Jen said...

Glowing! That is such a wonderful compliment.

Your NSVs rock! I love getting to that point after exercising a while when what used to be so hard is a breeze. :D