How I'm Doing So Far

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm a nutter!

This journey is turning out to be quite an emotional one.

Had a nutritionist follow up this morning and in the week since she last weighed me, I've lost 4lbs. Fantastic, you say. So why in the heck did I sit there crying about how I'm so frustrated that it's so much harder to lose it than it is to gain it.

I hate to hear well-intended trainers and docs and others say 'you didn't put it on overnight so don't expect to lost it overnight'. Um... I beg to differ. You wanna see someone pack on 10lbs in a weekend, you're looking at her. And I really don't have to venture that far off track to accomplish said goal.

We talked through it and I really am thrilled about the 22.5lbs I've now lost in 6 weeks of my pre-pre surgery programme. Really. it's fantastic and i got the pity party (complete with tears) out of my system this morning.

My initial (and god knows hopefully my only) consultation with the psychologist is tomorrow afternoon.... this should be interesting!!!

1 comment:

Christine said...

This is a very emotional journey, so it makes sense that you had a little cry! I think that's VERY HEALTHY.

I'm glad you're doing so well and rocking the weight loss!