How I'm Doing So Far

Monday, September 6, 2010

It's safe to read this one.... there may be hope... and i've stopped cussin'

thanks you guys who commented below. For those who were skeered to read the post below because of the cussin warning, essentially I found out this morning that the insurance company denied me for lapband surgery and i have to wait till tomorrow to find out why because they didn't have the decency to offer an explanation even to my surgeon. this after receiving a 29 page report compiled by 4 medical specialists who've been working with me over the past 3 months!!!

 I've had many rants and shed many a tear today. Oh yeah. And cussed a helluva lot more than I ever do!

There is possibly a light at the end of the tunnel though. I spoke with my boss about the situation (he didn't know what surgery I was scheduled to be having before encountering me with red eyes and slobbery nose this morning). He is going to go to bat for me!!!! Said to speak with the insurance company doc tomorrow as planned and if i don't get any resolution, he'll give a higher up a call and tell them to get off their asses and approve me because the company has no problem with it and will eventually end up paying out.

Soooooo...... wednesday morning i'm meeting with the nutritionist to get started on my 2 week pre-surgery liquid hell. Figure it would REALLY suck if we fight city hall (well the insurance company) and then i end up not being able to have the surgery because i didn't do the required diet.

why do i have to be the one blazing the trail around here?

So pleeeeeeeeeease - fingers, toes and eyes crossed (though the eye thing gives you a raging headache if you do it too long) and positive vibes that i can win this battle.


Sarah G said...

Good luck with your fight!! Don't back down!

-Grace- said...

Fingers and toes crossed for you! I'm so happy your boss is going to stick up for you.

If it doesn't work, let us know so we can come to the Bahamas and beat some ass. Maybe that'll convince them! ;)

Jen said...

That's so crazy that they're denying you after all you've done so far. You are such a perfect candidate for the band, you are willing to do the work necessary to make it a success!

I'm crossing everything I can cross hoping you and your boss can make this happen!

Sam said...

I got everything crossed and sending lots of good luck vibes your way!!

I hope you can get it all sorted out.

Island Bandit said...

You guys are the best! Maybe i should give the idiot doctor at the insurance company your numbers and let her speak to you!
And Grace, i like how you think.....

Christine said...

Good luck!!! I'm totally crossing my legs, fingers, toes, arms, etc!

Catherine55 said...

I am sending you extra special good insurance-approval-vibes today!! Many bandsters have been refused at first, only to get approved later. I really, really hope and pray that all goes well!! Crossing fingers, toes. . eyes, etc! And, thanks for nominating me for the award! :)

Catherine55 said...

I am sending you extra special good insurance-approval-vibes today!! Many bandsters have been refused at first, only to get approved later. I really, really hope and pray that all goes well!! Crossing fingers, toes. . eyes, etc! And, thanks for nominating me for the award! :)

Cindylew said...

I've got everything crossed, just for you.